Heart of a City no. 1383


1 in stock


Ink and watercolor on handmade paper.

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I use contemporary Chinese brushstrokes and empty space to create a sophisticated balance in my work. With a background in architecture and a passion for lines and the graphical nature of it I continue to develop arrangements that allude to strong imagery.

The “Heart of a City” series reflects density and community in the form of deconstruction and old-world rooflines.  I have always been fascinated with how people interact and communicate in urban environments.  While living in Asia I had the opportunity to study Chinese ink and brush.  During my stay I was able to observe the dynamics of dense urban living and then see the contrast in the way I live my life in the United States.  For many of us, we have the luxury of closing our doors, never having to interact with our neighbors.

The materials consist of handmade paper, ink made of pine soot & watercolors. The paper has silk, cotton, wood chips & mulberry pressed into the pulp. The result is a velvety, tactile surface. The ancient process of preparing the artwork is similar to that of mounting eastern scrolls. This method of preparing works on paper dates back two thousand years and can only be done by a handful of artisans in America.

Additional information

Dimensions 40 × 60 in


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